Our efforts in bushcare are guided by the Vegetation Management Plan. This involves tasks such as removing and suppressing weeds like olives, boneseed, and bridal creeper, protecting endangered plants, conducting plant surveys, collecting seeds, and engaging in revegetation projects. For more information, please refer to our Bushcare page.
We organize multiple working bees each month, focusing on enhancing the bushland within the Gorge.

Our trails working group is dedicated to ensuring the safety and sustainability of existing trails while also collaborating with the Department for Environment and Water, Flinders University, and local councils to create new trails. We regularly organize guided walks to showcase the beauty and challenges of exploring the Gorge, and we also sell an A3 trails map.
In partnership with Flinders University and the City of Mitcham, we have an ongoing project aimed at preserving the Magpie Creek ruins. For more details, please visit our History page.
We offer walks through the park for both our members and the general public.
You are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings, which take place on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm at Bellevue Heights Primary School. These meetings feature guest speakers, reports on ongoing projects, training sessions, and opportunities to learn about the park’s flora and fauna.
Our committee consists of dedicated members who have taken on specific roles. They organize and manage the group’s activities, write grant applications, liaise with our Ranger and local councils, procure tools, and promote the group. Additionally, they compile a quarterly newsletter and maintain this website.